Create a Tiled Tiff Converter


The bfio package is designed to make it easy to process arbitrarily sized images in a fast, scalable way. The two core classes, bfio.BioReader and bfio.BioWriter, can use one of three different backends depending on the file type that will be read. Usually, the proper backend will be selected when opening a file. For cases where bfio fails to select the proper backend, the backend parameter can be passed to the constructor. The following backends are available in bfio.

  1. backend="python" can only be used to read/write OME tiled tiff images. Tiled tiff is the preferred file format for reading/writing arbitrarily sized images.

  2. backend="bioformats" can be used to read any any format supported by Bio-Formats. The BioWriter with java backend will only save images as OME tiled tiff.

  3. backend="zarr" can be used to read/write a subset of Zarr files following the OME Zarr spec.

The advantage to using the python and zarr backends are speed and scalability at the expense of a rigid file structure, while the bioformats backend provides broad access to a wide array of file types but is considerably slower.

In this example, the basic usage of two core classes are demonstrated by creating a “universal” converter from any Bio-Formats supported file format to OME tiled tiff.

Getting Started

Install Dependencies

To run this example, Java and Maven are required. See the Install instruction for details on how to install them. Then install bfio using:

pip install bfio


JPype and Bio-Formats require Java 8 or later. bfio has been tested using Java 8.


Bio-Formats is licensed under GPL. If you plan to package bfio using this option, make sure to consider the licensing ramifications.

Download a Test Image

Download a test image from the Web Image Processing Pipeline (WIPP) github set of test images.

from pathlib import Path
import requests

""" Get an example image """
# Set up the directories
PATH = Path("data")
PATH.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)

# Download the data if it doesn't exist
URL = ""
FILENAME = "img_r001_c001.ome.tif"
if not (PATH / FILENAME).exists():
        content = requests.get(URL + FILENAME).content
        (PATH / FILENAME).open("wb").write(content)

Reading Images with the BioReader

The first step in loading an image with the BioReader is to initialize a BioReader object. The BioReader tries to predict what backend to use based on the file extension, and it will throw an error if it predicts incorrectly.

from bfio import BioReader

br = BioReader(PATH / FILENAME)

Manually Specifying a Backend

The user can also manually specify a backend. To use bioformats backend, just use the keyword argument backend=bioformats when initializing the BioReader.

# Set up the BioReader
br = BioReader(PATH / FILENAME,backend='bioformats')

# Print off some information about the image before loading it
print('br.shape: {}'.format(br.shape))
print('br.dtype: {}'.format(br.dtype))


Behind the scenes, what happens is that scyjava starts Java and loads the Bio-Formats jar. If Java is not installed, the above code will raise an error.


Currently, the mechanism for starting Java is likely not thread safe.

Using the BioReader

In the above code, a BioReader object is initialized, the shape and data type is printed, and then the BioReader object is closed. The closing of the BioReader object is necessary to ensure that the Java object is cleaned up properly. To ensure that this happens, it is recommended to put image access into a with block, which will automatically perform file cleanup.

from bfio import BioReader

# Initialize the BioReader inside a ``with`` block to handle file cleanup
with BioReader(PATH / FILENAME,backend='bioformats') as br:

    # Print off some information about the image before loading it
    print('br.shape: {}'.format(br.shape))
    print('br.dtype: {}'.format(br.dtype))

To read an entire image, use the read method without any arguments.

I =

Alternatively, the X, Y, Z, C, and T values can be specified to load only a subsection of the image. If the BioReader is reading from an OME tiled tiff, then the file reading should be faster and require less memory than other formats. This has to do with how data is stored in the OME tiled tiff.

For the current file, to load only the first 100x100 pixels:

I =[0,100],Y=[0,100])

The above code will return a 5-dimensional numpy array with shape=(100,100,1,1,1). If this file had multiple z-slices, channels, or timepoint information stored in it, then the first 100x100 pixels in every z-slice, channel, and timepoint would all be loaded since Z, C, and T were not included as keyword arguments.

To make it easier to load data, data can be fetch from a file using NumPy like indexing. However, there are some caveats. Step sizes in slices are ignored for the first three indices. Thus, the following three lines of code will load data exactly the same as the above line using read to load the first 100 rows and columns of pixels:

I = br[0:100,0:100,:,:,:]
I = br[:100,:100,...]
I = br[:100:2,:100:2]

print(I.shape) # Should return (100,100)


When using NumPy like indexing, trailing dimensions with size=1 are squeezed. So, while read will always return a 5-dimensional array, the NumPy indexing in this case will return a 2-dimensional array since there are no Z, C, or T dimensions.

Writing Images With the BioWriter

Initializing the BioWriter

Initializing the bfio.BioWriter requires a little more thought than the BioReader because the properties of the file have to be set prior to writing any data. In many cases, starting the BioWriter with the same metadata as the BioReader will get you most of the way there.

from bfio import BioWriter

bw = BioWriter(PATH / 'out.ome.tif',metadata=br.metadata)

The above code copies all the metadata from a BioReader object to the BioWriter object. If the data type needs to be changed for the file, simply set the object property.

bw.dtype = np.uint8 # Must be a numpy data type
bw.X = 1000 # set the image width
bw.Y = 500  # set the image height
bw.channel_names = ['PI','phalloidin','DAPI'] # if your image has three channels, name each of them

For more information on the settable properties, see the bfio.BioWriter documentation.

Writing the Image

As with the BioReader, the BioWriter needs to be properly closed using the close method. Closing the BioWriter finalizes the file, and if code exits without a file being close then the image may not open properly. To help prevent this scenario, use a with block.

with BioWriter(PATH / 'out.ome.tif',metadata=br.metadata) as bw:

    original_image = br[:]

This code reads an image and savess it as an OME tiled tiff!

As with the BioReader, it is possible to use numpy-like indexing. An alternative to the above code block would be:

with BioWriter(PATH / 'out.ome.tif',metadata=br.metadata) as bw:

    bw[:] = br[:]


After the first write call, most BioWriter attributes become read_only.

An Efficient, Scalable, Tiled Tiff Converter

In the above example, the demo image was relatively small, so opening the entire image and saving it was trivial. However, the bfio classes can be used to to convert an arbitrarily large image on a resource constrained system. This is done by reading/writing images in subsections and controlling the number of threads used for processing. Both the BioReader and BioWriter use multiple threads to read/write data, one thread per tile on individual tiles. By default, the number of threads is half the number of detected CPU cores, and this can be changed when a BioReader or BioWriter object is created by using the max_workers keyword argument.

To get started, let’s transform the previous examples into something more scalable. Something more scalable will read in a small part of one image, and save it into the tiled tiff format.


The BioWriter always saves images in 1024x1024 tiles. So, it is important to save images in multiples of 1024 (height or width) in order for the image to save correctly. In the future, the tiled tiff tile size may become a user defined parameter, but for now the WIPP OME tiled tiff standard of 1024x1024 tile size is used exclusively.

# Number of tiles to process at a time
# This value squared is the total number of tiles processed at a time
tile_grid_size = 1

# Do not change this, the number of pixels to be saved at a time must
# be a multiple of 1024
tile_size = tile_grid_size * 1024

with BioReader(PATH / 'file.czi',backend='bioformats') as br, \
    BioWriter(PATH / 'out.ome.tif',backend='bioformats',metadata=br.metadata) as bw:

    # Loop through timepoints
    for t in range(br.T):

        # Loop through channels
        for c in range(br.C):

            # Loop through z-slices
            for z in range(br.Z):

                # Loop across the length of the image
                for y in range(0,br.Y,tile_size):
                    y_max = min([br.Y,y+tile_size])

                    # Loop across the depth of the image
                    for x in range(0,br.X,tile_size):
                        x_max = min([br.X,x+tile_size])

                        bw[y:y_max,x:x_max,z:z+1,c,t] = br[y:y_max,x:x_max,z:z+1,c,t]

The above code has a lot of for loops. What makes the above code more scalable than just a simple piece of code like bw[:] = br[:]? The for loops and the tile_size variable make it so that only a small portion of the image is loaded into memory. In the above code, tile_grid_size = 1, meaning that individual tiles are being stored one by one, which is the most memory efficient way of converting to tiled tiff.

One thing to note in the above example is that both the BioReader and BioWriter are using the Java backend. This ensures a direct, 1-to-1 file conversion can take place. While the Python backend for both the BioReader and BioWriter can read OME TIFF files with any number of XYZCT dimensions, the WIPP platform expects each file to only contain XYZ data. To make the above tiled tiff converter export WIPP compliant files, the code should be changed as follows:

# Number of tiles to process at a time
# This value squared is the total number of tiles processed at a time
tile_grid_size = 1

# Do not change this, the number of pixels to be saved at a time must
# be a multiple of 1024
tile_size = tile_grid_size * 1024

with BioReader(PATH / 'file.czi',backend='bioformats') as br:

    # Loop through timepoints
    for t in range(br.T):

        # Loop through channels
        for c in range(br.C):

            with BioWriter(PATH / 'out_c{c:03d}_t{t:03d}.ome.tif',
                           metadata=br.metadata) as bw:
                bw.C = 1
                bw.T = 1

                # Loop through z-slices
                for z in range(br.Z):

                    # Loop across the length of the image
                    for y in range(0,br.Y,tile_size):
                        y_max = min([br.Y,y+tile_size])

                        # Loop across the depth of the image
                        for x in range(0,br.X,tile_size):
                            x_max = min([br.X,x+tile_size])

                            bw[y:y_max,x:x_max,z:z+1,0,0] = br[y:y_max,x:x_max,z:z+1,c,t]

Complete Example Code

Self Contained Example

from bfio import BioReader, BioWriter
from pathlib import Path
import requests
import numpy as np

""" Get an example image """
# Set up the directories
PATH = Path("data")
PATH.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)

# Download the data if it doesn't exist
URL = ""
FILENAME = "img_r001_c001.ome.tif"
if not (PATH / FILENAME).exists():
    content = requests.get(URL + FILENAME).content
    (PATH / FILENAME).open("wb").write(content)

""" Convert the tif to tiled tiff """
# Set up the BioReader
with BioReader(PATH / FILENAME,backend='bioformats') as br, \
    BioWriter(PATH / 'out.ome.tif',metadata=br.metadata,backend='python') as bw:

    # Print off some information about the image before loading it
    print('br.shape: {}'.format(br.shape))
    print('br.dtype: {}'.format(br.dtype))

    # Read in the original image, then save
    original_image = br[:]
    bw[:] = original_image

# Compare the original and saved images using the Python backend
br = BioReader(PATH.joinpath('out.ome.tif'))

new_image =


print('original and saved images are identical: {}'.format(np.array_equal(new_image,original_image)))

Scalable Tiled Tiff

from bfio import BioReader, BioWriter
import math
from pathlib import Path
from multiprocessing import cpu_count

""" Define the path to the file to convert """
# Set up the directories
PATH = Path("path/to/file").joinpath('file.tif')

""" Convert the tif to tiled tiff """
# Number of tiles to process at a time
# This value squared is the total number of tiles processed at a time
tile_grid_size = math.ceil(math.sqrt(cpu_count()))

# Do not change this, the number of pixels to be saved at a time must
# be a multiple of 1024
tile_size = tile_grid_size * 1024

# Set up the BioReader
with BioReader(PATH,backend='bioformats',max_workers=cpu_count()) as br:

    # Loop through timepoints
    for t in range(br.T):

        # Loop through channels
        for c in range(br.C):

            with BioWriter(PATH.with_name(f'out_c{c:03}_t{t:03}.ome.tif'),
                        max_workers = cpu_count()) as bw:

                # Loop through z-slices
                for z in range(br.Z):

                    # Loop across the length of the image
                    for y in range(0,br.Y,tile_size):
                        y_max = min([br.Y,y+tile_size])

                        # Loop across the depth of the image
                        for x in range(0,br.X,tile_size):
                            x_max = min([br.X,x+tile_size])

                            bw[y:y_max,x:x_max,z:z+1,0,0] = br[y:y_max,x:x_max,z:z+1,c,t]