
class BioReader(file_path, max_workers=None, backend=None)

Bases: bfio.base_classes.BioBase

Read supported image formats using Bioformats

This class handles file reading of multiple formats. It can read files from any Bioformats supported file format, but is specially optimized for handling the OME tiled tiff format.

There are three backends: java, python, and zarr. The java backend directly uses Bio-Formats for file reading, and can read any format that is supported by Bio-Formats. The python backend will only read images in OME Tiff format with tile tags set to 1024x1024, and is significantly faster than the “java” backend for reading these types of tiff files. The zarr backend will only read OME Zarr files.

File reading and writing are multi-threaded by default, except for the java backend which does not currently support threading. Half of the available CPUs detected by multiprocessing.cpu_count() are used to read an image.

For for information, visit the Bioformats page:


In order to use the java backend, jpype must be installed.

  • file_path (Union[str, Path]) – Path to file to read

  • max_workers (Optional[int]) – Number of threads used to read and image. Default is half the number of detected cores.

  • backend (Optional[str]) – Can be python, java, or zarr. If None, then BioReader will try to autodetect the proper backend. Default is python.

Return type


property X

X is read_only in BioReader


Number of pixels in the x-dimension (width)



property Y

Y is read_only in BioReader


Number of pixels in the y-dimension (height)



property Z

Z is read_only in BioReader


Number of pixels in the z-dimension (depth)



property C

C is read_only in BioReader


Number of pixels in the c-dimension



property T

T is read_only in BioReader


Number of pixels in the t-dimension




Image loading using numpy-like indexing

This is an abbreviated method of accessing the read method, where a portion of the image will be loaded using numpy-like slicing syntax. Up to 5 dimensions can be designated depending on the number of available dimensions in the image array (Y, X, Z, C, T).


Not all methods of indexing can be used, and some indexing will lead to unexpected results. For example, logical indexing cannot be used, and step sizes in slice objects is ignored for the first three indices. This means and index such as [0:100:2,0:100:2,0,0,0] will return a 100x100x1x1x1 numpy array.


keys (Union[tuple, slice]) – numpy-like slicing used to load a section of an image.

Return type



A numpy.ndarray where trailing empty dimensions are removed.


import bfio

# Initialize the bioreader
br = bfio.BioReader('Path/To/File.ome.tif')

# Load and copy a 100x100 array of pixels
a = br[:100,:100,:1,0,0]

# Slice steps sizes are ignored for the first 3 indices, so this
# returns the same as above
a = br[0:100:2,0:100:2,0:1,0,0]

# The last two dimensions can receive a tuple or list as input
# Load the first and third channel
a = br[:100,100,0:1,(0,2),0]

# If the file is 3d, load the first 10 z-slices
b = br[...,:10,0,0]
read(X=None, Y=None, Z=None, C=None, T=None)

Read the image

Read the all or part of the image. A n-dimmensional numpy.ndarray is returned such that all trailing empty dimensions will be removed.

For example, if an image is read and it represents an xz plane, then the shape will be [1,m,n].

  • X (Union[list, tuple, None]) – The (min,max) range of pixels to load along the x-axis (columns). If None, loads the full range. Defaults to None.

  • Y (Union[list, tuple, None]) – The (min,max) range of pixels to load along the y-axis (rows). If None, loads the full range. Defaults to None.

  • Z (Union[list, tuple, int, None]) – The (min,max) range of pixels to load along the z-axis (depth). Alternatively, an integer can be passed to select a single z-plane. If None, loads the full range. Defaults to None.

  • C (Union[list, tuple, int, None]) – Values indicating channel indices to load. If None, loads the full range. Defaults to None.

  • T (Union[list, tuple, int, None]) – Values indicating timepoints to load. If None, loads the full range. Defaults to None.

Return type



A 5-dimensional numpy array.

__call__(tile_size, tile_stride=None, batch_size=None, channels=[0])

Iterate through tiles of an image

The BioReader object can be called, and will act as an iterator to load tiles of an image. The iterator buffers the loading of pixels asynchronously to quickly deliver images of the appropriate size.

  • tile_size (Union[list, tuple]) – A list/tuple of length 2, indicating the height and width of the tiles to return.

  • tile_stride (Union[list, tuple, None]) – A list/tuple of length 2, indicating the row and column stride size. If None, then tile_stride = tile_size. Defaults to None.

  • batch_size (Optional[int]) – Number of tiles to return on each iteration. Defaults to None, which is the smaller of 32 or the maximum_batch_size

  • channels (list) – A placeholder. Only the first channel is ever loaded. Defaults to [0].

Return type

Iterable[Tuple[ndarray, tuple]]


A tuple containing a 4-d numpy array and a tuple containing a list of X,Y,Z,C,T indices. The numpy array has dimensions [tile_num,tile_size[0],tile_size[1],channels]


from bfio import BioReader
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

br = BioReader('/path/to/file')

for tiles,ind in br(tile_size=[256,256],tile_stride=[200,200]):
    for i in tiles.shape[0]:
        print('Displaying tile with X,Y coords: {},{}'.format(ind[i][0],ind[i][1]))
classmethod image_size(filepath)

image_size Read image width and height from header

This class method only reads the header information of tiff files or the zarr array json to identify the image width and height. There are instances when the image dimensions may want to be known without actually loading the image, and reading only the header is considerably faster than loading bioformats just to read simple metadata information.

If the file is not a TIFF or OME Zarr, returns width = height = -1.

This code was adapted to only operate on tiff images and includes additional to read the header of little endian encoded BigTIFF files. The original code can be found at:


filepath (pathlib.Path) – Path to tiff file


Tuple of ints indicating width and height.

Return type

(width, height)

property bpp

Same as bytes_per_pixel

property bytes_per_pixel: int

Number of bytes per pixel

Return type


property channel_names: List[str]

Get the channel names for the image

Return type



Close the image

property cnames: List[str]

Same as channel_names

Return type


property dtype: numpy.dtype

The numpy pixel type of the data

Return type


maximum_batch_size(tile_size, tile_stride=None)

maximum_batch_size Maximum allowable batch size for tiling

The pixel buffer only loads at most two supertiles at a time. If the batch size is too large, then the tiling function will attempt to create more tiles than what the buffer holds. To prevent the tiling function from doing this, there is a limit on the number of tiles that can be retrieved in a single call. This function determines what the largest number of retreivable batches is.

  • tile_size (List[int]) – The height and width of the tiles to retrieve

  • tile_stride (Optional[List[int]]) – If None, defaults to tile_size. Defaults to None.

Return type



Maximum allowed number of batches that can be retrieved by the

iterate method.

property metadata: bfio.OmeXml.OMEXML

Get the metadata for the image

This function calls the Bioformats metadata parser, which extracts metadata from an image. This returns a reference to an OMEXML class, which is a convenient handler for the complex xml metadata created by Bioformats.

Most basic metadata information have their own BioReader methods, such as image dimensions(i.e. x, y, etc). However, in some cases it may be necessary to access the underlying metadata class.

Minor changes have been made to the original OMEXML class created for python-bioformats, so the original OMEXML documentation should assist those interested in directly accessing the metadata. In general, it is best to assign data using the object properties to ensure the metadata stays in sync with the file.

For information on the OMEXML class:

Return type



OMEXML object for the image

property physical_size_x: Tuple[float, str]

Physical size of pixels in x-dimension

Return type

Tuple[float, str]


Units per pixel, Units (i.e. “cm” or “mm”)

property physical_size_y: Tuple[float, str]

Physical size of pixels in y-dimension

Return type

Tuple[float, str]


Units per pixel, Units (i.e. “cm” or “mm”)

property physical_size_z: Tuple[float, str]

Physical size of pixels in z-dimension

Return type

Tuple[float, str]


Units per pixel, Units (i.e. “cm” or “mm”)

property ps_x: Tuple[float, str]

Same as physical_size_x

Return type

Tuple[float, str]

property ps_y

Same as physical_size_y

property ps_z

Same as physical_size_z

property read_only: bool

Returns true if object is ready only

Return type


property samples_per_pixel: int

Number of samples per pixel

Return type


property shape: Tuple[int, int, int, int, int]

The 5-dimensional shape of the image

Return type

Tuple[int, int, int, int, int]


(Y, X, Z, C, T) shape of the image

property spp

Same as samples_per_pixel